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The birth of Carmin Callisa

This was by far my hardest pregnancy ... To start with it was rather unplanned. My baby boy Ciane was only 4 months old (exclusively breast fed) when I fell pregnant. I was very stressed and emotional through out my pregnancy and had no idea how I would cope with three children.

From the start we decided we were gonna have an unassisted birth. With my quick birth record we just thought it would be easier. So we prepared ourselves as much as we can. Then my mom (she is so awesome) picked up from my talking that baby was lying posterior. I read up as much as I could. Its just another way of normal as some pages said. But I was getting a little nervous. So again just like with Cara-Mia almost at the end of my pregnancy I started looking for a midwife. I felt we should have some one as back up for any emergencies. Luckily baby turned and I could relax.

As always the last month was the worst! My belly was huge and Ciane was not walking yet. I had to run after my tree year old and so tore so e ligaments. Ag I can go on and on and on.

So I tried all the usual tricks. Had sex, walked up and down our complex, eat pineapple and drink raspberry leaf tea, nothing worked.

At 38 weeks and 4 days I decided to take evening primrose oil tablets (orally and vaginally). I was so gatvol but didn't think it would work I mean nothing else did. To my surprise I started getting contractions, nothing serious but noticeable. Me and my mom are very close and of course like the previous two times she would also attend this birth. We started BBMing and she suggested I tell the midwife that I took the pills. So I spoke to her but told her that she didn't have to come just yet I 'm still fine.

Still BBMing back and forth my mom told me to get things ready for incase. It was around 7 and the contractions where actually getting a little serious. My mom is really the best she always thinks of everything. Of course 90% of the stuff was not ready ...

At 09:30 my mom came over and from then on I kind of lost track of time. She helped me get the room ready and made sure we had everything we needed (all without waking the other kids). My contractions then became allot more painful and I told the midwife to come. I think she arrived around 12 in storming weather. And by then I was ready to have that baby. I was so convinced she was going to be born as quick and easy as Ciane.

But when the midwife did her first internal (yes I agreed although I hate them) I was only 4 cm dilated and baby was still posterior. The news freaked me out. What now? The contractions were really getting bad, that of course cause she wasn't lying right. My midwife had some magic homeopathic stuff with her which name I cannot recall and she helped me with some moves to get baby to move. 

2 am Ciane wakes up. Heine gave him a bottle and tried settling him but I think he knew something was up cause Heine just could not get him down again. By now I was kneeled next to my bed thinking I'm gonna die any second. If you think contractions are bad try having them while there is a screaming baby in the house. I tried to take him and rock him back to sleep but I was just in too much pain.

The night seemed never ending. And the pain oh boy the pain. So the midwife did another internal, baby had turned, I dilated and she could feel the head. I really thought that meant it was almost over ...

I wasn't coping so well since all this laboring was still very unexpected for me. I just didn't understand why she doesn't just get out. Think I might have fought with her. So after very nice shower which I wished could last forever we decided to break my water. 

Through all this my mom is there doing all she can to support me and poor daddy is sitting in the living room building blocks.

We broke my water around 4 am, and again I thought after this things will go quickly. But it felt like a life time and I was so done. At about 4:20 it was finally time. My mom woke Cara-Mia and took Ciane. Heine stood closer to catch our baby. And with two big contractions she was out.

I felt horrible and just wanted to sleep. I could not believe how exhausting labor was. As this long painful proses was a first for me I was really out of it.

She came out with her head against her shoulder but luckily I didn't tear. 

I feel super bad for taking those pills, maybe she wasn't ready yet and thats why I suffered so much. Non the less it was an awesome birth. And I am so thankful that every one who had to be there was there.  My kids and my mom got to see everything and daddy got to catch baby again.

Carmin Callisa was born on 19 December 2013



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