The birth of Ciane Jacob 29 November 2012
Our unplanned unassisted birth
I got married in 2011 and after attending two prenatal classes with my husband we both knew we wanted a homebirth. We found a midwife who was willing to assist us at home. Hired a birth pool. Got all the necessities....
Now this birth has a big back story ... My amazing mom, my rock, my hero's birthday is on 30 November. And since she turned 60 that year we planned a huge party with all her friends, and family and this party would take place on the morning of the 29th as it was the date that suited most people.
Morning of 28 November. I some serious discharge going on down there, but we don't panic because we have a scheduled appointment at the midwife later that morning.
She obviously also noticed the discharge and said it could be one of two things.
Either I have a serious infection and need antibiotics or I am in labour.
We said 100% no internal exams, that stuff freaks me out, it's just wrong and weird.
But when you are as big as a whale and uncomfortable beyond explanation and you hear you might actually get out, be set free, you take that.
Internal examination clarifies that I am 5 cm dilated ... best news ever.
We go home and I send my husband back to work, we all know how long birth can take.
That evening we invite over my mother, and my in laws. And we wait. I'm in labour so baby should be here soon.
By 10 pm my in laws goes home, my mom sleeps in the guest room and we all just pass out. I slept really good that night but I was up at 4 am. I bounced on my birth ball, read a bit, ate two bananas. This is only weird when you know how much I hate bananas.
And by 6 am I was frustrated annoyed and lonely so I woke every one up.
I was going to force this baby out now so Heine was instructed to start filling the birth pool.
Those stuff are massive and takes hours to fill. FIY
I needed to calm down and decided to just get in the normal bath while waiting for the birth bath.
It's now the day of my mothers 60th Birthday party as much I want her with me she needs to go soon. Party starts at 10 am.
So we chat a bit and she actually says the words ... you look fine, I don't think this baby is coming today. She is probably right lets get out the bath.
As I put one foot over I get a huge contraction, ones of knows numbing the knees one.
I go sit right there on the toilet, and luckily it was open cause another contraction came and my water broke.
Don't have to clean that up later.
I needed to get to the bed ... although it would have made quiet the story I don't want this baby dropping in the toilet. My mom and husband help me to the bed, my mom literally holding babies head so he doesn't just fall out.
I kneel next to the bed and I in full glory experienced the ring of fire. Baby's head right there between no where and somewhere. Wanting out but not getting out.
Another contraction and the head is out.
Husband phones midwife here.
Another contraction and baby is out. Born into his daddy's arms. We tried to get comfortable on the bed. At this point I was a little out of it. Soon the midwife was there to cut the cord and help with the birth of the blob (placenta). And just like that I had a baby boy. A little who also changed my life. My wolf prince.
And it was only 7 am so my mother could doll up and get to the party on time. Sad we missed it but glad she was there.
We took a little swim in the birth pool later that day.
P.s don't ever ask my husband to tell our kids birth stories ... it's super gross and degusting
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