Carmin Callisa 19 December 2013
Unplanned planned assisted birth at home
The first time I wrote this story wasn't very good. I think I was a little too negative to an overall positive birthing experience.
Both my other births went smooth and quick in their own way. And I was about to experience something totally different than what I expected.
Ciane (baby nr 2) was 4 months old, exclusively breastfed, when we found out I was pregnant.
I have to share this we were away for the weekend with my parents and my oldest daughter, then 3 told my mother she is going to have a baby sister named Callisa. We all laughed and joked until I started getting sick on the Monday .. like morning sickness sick.
So I had a three year old and a basically newborn, needless to say my pregnancy was a little more stressed and busy as apposed to the 9 months I basically spent in bed with the others.
We decided we are going to have an unassisted home birth. We know the drill.
Until we realised that baby was lying posterior. Then I freaked out. So instead of lying with her face to my back she was lying face to my side. We went to see a midwife willing to assist us at home again and off course after we booked her for the birth baby turned the right way.
During the last few weeks I tore the ligaments around my stomach, seriously painful.
Just to paint a little picture, imagine a hugely pregnant woman with a now almost one year old on her hip trying to run after a three year old. Yes it looked as bad as it sounds.
So at 38 weeks I decided I was done. I would have agreed to a C-section given the opportunity. And if you know how I feel about that you would know how over it I was. So I ate pineapples and papayas and walked up and down our complex pushing a pram. Even tried sex although when your that far pregnant sex is far from sexy. Nothing worked. Being the googler that I am I read about evening primrose oil and decided to take it.
Inserted it orally and vaginally and waited.
After just a few short hours I was getting contractions. Just mild, not the phone the midwife immediately type. But we got every thing ready and notified the midwife that I took the pills.
Still I was actually fine. The contractions where painful but not intense.
Put Cara-Mia and Ciane to bed wondered around the house a bit and at 10 pm I told my mom its time to come over.
This time we skipped the birth pool. Who has time for that thing to fill? This baby is going to pop out just as fast as the others.
Mom is there, we prep the room, I try to sleep but just cant get comfortable.
12 pm the midwife arrives in a huge storm. It was pouring that night. And after a little check up she tells me baby is posterior again and not pushing down. So the pill brought forth contractions but it didn't really notify baby that it was time.
Then thing got a little more intense. We did some moves and burned some candles to try make baby move. The contractions was getting stronger and more painful. I was yelling at that baby like a lunatic to just get out.
I got into the shower too ease the pain and tension in my back. And for a few seconds under the water time stood still. No pain no baby even. But we had to check if she turned and it ended.
Queue baby Ciane waking up, daddy trying to calm him and put him back to bed, him only wanting mommy, waking up his sister. I tried to take him but I was just too weak and sore. So they went to build blocks.
By now I have lost all track of time, I have no idea how long its been or how long it still will be.
Another quick check, I am fully dilated. Yippee now she can just pop out. But she doesn't and I am so tired and overwhelmed. SO even thought it goes against everything I wanted I allowed the midwife to break my water. And even after that it took quiet a few contractions for her to come.
She came out with her head against her shoulder. At I think about 04;00 am.
Though a little different than the others it was good
My two girls
My prince brought me flowers
It was a long night
No problem with latching
My mom and my girls
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