I can't believe there is only about ten weeks left until our baby girl comes. Being this nervous and exited at the same time is very confusing. My 3 year old very wisely and confidently asked me a favor today. That when I birth her little sister I must please do so sitting down, cause she didn't have a very good view when I birthed her brother on my knees. And she wants to make sure all babies come out head first and is up side down when inside a mommy. Hmmm think she knows way too much about birth. She is so smart and such a special girl. Ciane is also growing up way too fast. My baby will soon be the big brother! I am so very blessed to be in such a wonderful place and time in my life. Yes I have my off days but I know that this is where I belong. Sent from Yahoo Mail for iPhone |
I get that being a stay at home mom is not for everyone. But for me it is my life’s fulfillment. I can’t imagine myself doing or being anything else than a mom. I don’t miss working at all. I get up in the morning and it excites me to know I’ll be spending my whole day with my children. And let me tell you two small people can keep you very busy. It’s not like I sit around and do nothing all day. I play with them and stimulate their brains. We go places and see things. We sure do have our lazy pajama days. But that is ok because we can do it together. I’m so blessed to have a successful husband who supports us. And who also supports me being at home. We made the decision together and we know it is what’s best for us. Do family and friends always understand it? No not at all. But we love it and we are confident in our decision. My children mean everything to me, and in the end they are only my respon...
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