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The birth of Cara-Mia Kriel (rewrite)

Cara-Mia 15 Februarie 2010
Planned water birth, at birth centre, midwife assisted

Valentines day ... the day of relationships, marriages, couples and all thing lovey dovey. My baby could not choose this day as her birth date ... her mom is SINGLE.

She didn't chose that day, she waited until 02;00 am on the 15th. When you are pregnant and you wake up in a wet bed you can assume one of two things, baby got hold of your bladder and you peed the bed or your water broke. My water broke. Woke mom, grabbed the bags and headed to the Linkwood birth centre in Edenvale.

A small piece of back story I was 37 weeks pregnant when I decided on a birthing place and a midwife. I wrote a two page birthing plan ... you can get really bored in those last few weeks of pregnancy.

So it was straight to the birth pool for me. I made fun of birth and contractions until I puked in the bin and almost broke the bath gripping through the pain of an actual contraction. But it wasn't that bad, compared to like breaking your pinky toe, now that's real pain.So besides the odd contraction every no and then, not regular at all, I was chilling in a hot bath. Trying to keep my eyes open since it is the middle of the night. I sat there for three hours waiting for something, anything.

05:00 am I am over it, I want a bed, I'm not lying here one minute longer. I need sleep. SO out of the bath and in to the bed. Eyes closed sleping like the dead. I assumed they checked on me and babe sometime during that two hours but I was out of it. P.S I really love sleep.

07:00 am Woken by a huge contraction. Want to get in the bath right now. ANd by right now I mean like don't talk to me or touch me, get out of my way. I'm actually very friendly when I'm not in labour.

My mom is the best mom ever. My best friend. No one gets me like she does. I wouldn't want any one else there with me. Not talking just holding me hand. Just being there.

Couldn't quite make it to the bath on my own, knees collapsed and blood was dripping from my vagina. Not cool. Midwife and mom helped me to the bath and for some unexplainable reason I got in to the bath on my hands and knees.

I would later learn that this is very normal, and probably the most comfortable way to birth in.

Midwife instructed me to turn around and sit. And literlay in one movement as I turn the baby the born. Still half asleep and uncomfortable, not hearing or seeing or thinking, I focussed on my moms face and she said take your baby. And there was, in my arms. The most incredible live changeing little thing, lying quiet in my arms.

We sat there in the nice warm water and waited for the cord to stop pulsating, mom took baby to the room and I waited to birth my placenta. No ever talks much about that part, that feeling is super weird. When that sac comes out. It doesn't move like a baby its just a blob.

My perfect little girl latched like a pro, we sat there staring at each other. And then I wanted my bed, like my actual bed. Since she came before her due date there were no private rooms available and i had to lie in the ward. Didn't like that.

10:00 We went home and got in bed. The family came round to stare at my little piece of perfection. She was special from the day of her birth. The most amazing little girl. I hope every one knows some one like her in their life time.

And that is her story, how she came into the world.


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