What a year, I am actually amazed I survived, then again its not over yet ....
Pregnancy is so hard and it sucks! Now add a 3 year old who wants to rule the house and a very dependent almost 1 year old and you've got yourself a madhouse.
They wake up at 5 am with an energy level of a kizilion, always hungry. The one talks non stop while the other rolls down the tiolet paper, which he can now reach.
There is toys and food everywhere, thank God for a maid every second day since my huge belly makes it a little hard to bend down at the moment.
By 8 am before daddy is even awake Mister has to sleep again. And apparently there is nothing more satisfying than asking your mom 10 000 questions the more she tells you to please be quiet.
Finally asleep the Madam is hungry AGAIN!! And oh we can be so very specific about what we want.
So now I have maybe an hour, Madam gets to watch one dvd. Do I take a bath or shower, do I get dressed, do I make myself breakfast or maybe just go lie down again?
So the day goes on with my ever so busy Mister and Madam until finally at 7 pm we go to bed. I'd rather skip ahead most of the day as no words can describe the chaos that happens here.
Through the night they make turns to wake me up, the one wants milk the other water. Then there is a mosquito or they are hot or some wet the bed.
Just as I think I can go to sleep my mind starts going in a thousand directions. What will happen when there is three? Where exactly on this bed will number three fit?
What happens when labor starts? What if they need me or want me? Will I be rocking one baby to sleep while the other is crowning? Will I be making a sandwich with a baby still attached to the placenta?
My poor crazy baby brain!!! I have no plan what so ever, and basically winging it every second of the day. Yet I wouldn't change a thing, except maybe wish away this cold.
My chaos is my sanity and I love it. Most days I loose it, and things are so far from perfect. But this is my life and I won't change a thing. Hell yes you can call me crazy, I am so crazy I am not even offended by it.
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