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Vaginal Birth vs Natural Birth

Vaginal Birth vs. Natural Birth
I think woman should start thinking about using the correct words when describing their births.  Currently woman divide themselves into two categories.  You either had a caesarean birth or a normal birth.  A caesarean birth, whether emergency or elective refers to baby being removed through the tummy by surgery.  The normal birth we hear about mostly happens in hospitals.  You most probably labored on your back with your feet in the air, coached when to push.  Constant monitoring and maybe a drip.  Chances are good you were cut or/and had an enema.  Food and drink were restricted and pain medication was offered frequently. You wore an uncomfortable hospital gown and the white walls and strange instruments were anything but reassuring.  You could only choose one person to be with you during the birth and baby was immediately taken away. But is all of that really normal?  Are all these things in the best interest of mother and baby.  The internet is an amazing place and there is so much research available.  So now we can look at having a natural birth, if you have had a healthy uncomplicated pregnancy you do have this option.  We all have our own fears about childbirth, but educating yourself during your pregnancy can make all the difference. Knowing the process and the changes about to happen will prepare your mind.  Natural precautions and exercises will also prepare your body. Birth can be as natural as breathing if you do the right research and talk to the right people.  Let’s start with the first problem  of “normal birth”, when you are pouring tomato sauce over your chips, do you turn the bottle on its side or do you turn it down so that it can come out. 

.  I don’t think I have to explain to any one the laws of gravity. So why would you lie on your back and work three times as hard, instead of standing up and letting your body do the work.  Throughout history there have been images, pictures, photos and drawings of woman birthing in a squatting position.  Our bodies were designed for us to birth upright.  If you and baby have been healthy throughout your pregnancy there is no reason to be monitored throughout labor.  Of course baby’s heart beat might rise a little, he or she is super exited to meet mommy.  If I had to run a marathon it would probably take me two days.  But you are athletic and well prepared so you finish it in a few hours.  Labor times differ and that is normal.  Why would you want to rush this special moment?  I don’t think either of us would survive a marathon without drinking or eating at some point.  Labor, as the word suggests, can be hard work.  It is important to keep your body hydrated and strong.  Besides if eating can take your mind of an ex boyfriend or your other mountain of problems, it can take your mind off the pain and labor, even if it is just for a few minutes.  Episiotomies are given routinely in most hospitals these days. Now why on earth would you cut your vagina if there is a possibility that nothing would happen to it during birth? My leg might one day get a bad infection, maybe I should just cut it off now.  There is also a big difference between cutting and tearing.  Just the two words make you feel different. I can’t even begin to imagine how embarrassing and degrading it must be for a woman to get an unnecessary enema in such a natural situation.  Any one sticking their hands or fingers in your vagina is unnatural. Dilation can start days before labor, and labor can pause at how many ever cm. Yes childbirth is painful, but it’s inevitable. For a few minutes or hours you might be discomforted but then it is over and you can’t even remember it.  In new and strange environments all a baby needs is mommy.  His not going to grow within hours so the weighing and measuring can wait. With this article I hope to promote natural birth within a hospital setting. And yes it is very possible.  Your birth, your body, your baby. You have the right to say no.   Birth is not a procedure and it should not be seen as one.  It is such an amazing accomplishment for a woman to do what her body was designed to do.  A cesarean or vaginal birth should not be seen as any less, I blame the medical industry for pushing woman to do against their instincts. Your birth story is one you will be telling for some time.  It will influence both you and your baby in many ways.  Your birthing experience will also most likely one day influence your daughter’s birth choices.   Birth needs to be taken out of doctors hands and given back to woman.  Please note again that I am not talking to anyone who has or had a complicated pregnancy or birth.  Emergencies are a whole other story. 
I know doctors, nurses and hospital staff can be very intimidating.  But everything they know is available on the internet. And you get amazing information in books on childbirth.  Dont let any one steal your birth.


  1. Thanks for an inspiring article! I can really hear you heart! Women do need to reclaim birth for sure.


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